all postcodes in EC4R / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC4R postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
EC4R 2GA1151.51077-0.090924
EC4R 2RA8851.511664-0.092255
EC4R 2RB3351.511513-0.092363
EC4R 2RH1151.510872-0.091654
EC4R 2RL1151.511176-0.092089
EC4R 2RP211051.511492-0.092049
EC4R 2SH1151.511441-0.091256
EC4R 2SP1151.511175-0.091498
EC4R 2SU10951.510964-0.091204
EC4R 2ST1151.511044-0.091172
EC4R 2YA3351.51077-0.090924
EC4R 2RU7751.511482-0.091528